Asbestos Awareness Course (Classroom)

Face to Face Asbestos Awareness Training (Taught in our new classroom facility).

Asbestos Awareness

Asbestos is an extremely hazardous substance that can cause serious ill-health to anyone who disturbs or damages it. For this reason, all workers who may come across asbestos or asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) must be trained so that they can work safely. This includes work with potential ACMs, accidental discovery of asbestos, and accidental damage to asbestos and ACMs.

This asbestos awareness course provides a comprehensive introduction to the dangers of working with asbestos and helps employers to comply with the law by ensuring that their workers are appropriately trained in order to work safely.

Who should take the course?

This asbestos awareness course provides a comprehensive introduction to the dangers of working with asbestos and helps employers to comply with the law by ensuring that their workers are appropriately trained in order to work safely.


To increase general awareness of asbestos and to explain how asbestos-related risks can be managed, therefore minimizing the risk of occupational exposure to asbestos

What topics are covered on the course?

  1. Background & Terminology
  2. Brief Legislation Overview
  3. Properties & Uses
  4. ACM's
  5. Related Health Issues
  6. Management of Asbestos
  7. Handling Asbestos
  8. Final Quiz

Contact us today to see how we can help you - [email protected]

Your Instructor

Asbestos Aware
Asbestos Aware

Asbestos Aware was created by expeirenced New Zealand based asbestos industry professionals. The team have a combined experience of over 10 years and qualifications that include the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) Asbestos Proficiency (P) Certificates from P401 to P405. The team hold current New Zealand Asbestos Assessor Licences.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
We can make a booking for your group training at a time convenient to you.
How long does the course take?
We can make it as detailed as you need it to be, course times vary from 2 - 4 hours depending on what depth of information is required for your staff.
Who will take the face to face course?
Phil Torley, who is a Certified Occupational Hygienist (COH) with over 30 years occupational and asbestos related experience.

This course is closed for enrollment.